Back on Track
Back on Track

Natrol , the nation’s #1 drug-free sleep aid brand, recognized the seasonal change from summer to fall can leave many feeling sleep deprived and disoriented and with routines that are just out of whack.
To empower individuals to get their sleep back on track, Natrol joined forces with Ashley Tisdale, actress, mom and founder of Being Frenshe, for the Back on Track campaign to help users get ready for rest and reset their sleep routines to live their best life. The program was anchored by an exclusive giveaway with tools and resources designed to support a healthy sleep routine, social content and media coverage with inspiration and advice for getting sleep back on track.
In total, the Back on Track campaign generated more than 2,500 media placements and 1.1 billion potential impressions including 30 interviews between the brand’s celebrity and expert sleep doctor partnerships.